EFA 2023 European Youth Fistball Cup in Aabenraa | Apenrade (DK)
The European Fistball Association (EFA) and Team Nordschleswig Faustball will host this year‘s Youth Faustball Europapokal in Aabenraa | Apenrade (DK). From 7th to 8th October 2023, 50 teams will compete for the European Cup on the grounds of Arena Aabenraa.
For teams
For visitors
European Fistball Association (EFA)
The European Fistball Association (EFA) was founded in November 2015. The EFA is the umbrella organisation for all European Fistball nations.
The EFA was founded in November 2015 during the Men’s Fistball World Cup in Villa Generale Belgrano / Argentina. The founding became necessary due to a change in the statutes of the International Fistball Association (IFA).

Greetings from the EFA president

In 2023 the southern Danish city of Aabenraa | Apenrade welcomes the fistball youth. With its approx. 16,400 inhabitants, the city is located directly on an inlet of the Baltic Sea, the Apenrader Förde. With its beautiful harbor, it is known as a seafaring town and shipyard location. The tournament venue will be the outdoor pitches of Arena Aabenraa.
Arena Apenrade