What is Fistball
Fistball is a return game in which two teams face each other on two half-fields, similar to Volleyball. They are separated by a center line and a net-like ribbon that is stretched between two posts. Tape and post are not allowed to be touched by a player or the ball.
Each team consists of five players. The goal is to fend off the attacks of the opponent and to play the ball back into the other half field, inaccessible to the opponent. In contrast to Volleyball, in Fistball the ball can only be played with one arm, also in the defense. In addition, the ball may bounce once on the ground per player, as in tennis. Each team is allowed to touch the ball 3 times, whereby no player is allowed to touch the ball twice.
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Fistball in Denmark
Fistball tradition north of the German-Danish border
Fistball had a decades-long tradition in the southernmost mainland part of Denmark, also known as Nordschleswig in German or North Schleswig in English. This tradition was actively cultivated in particular by the German minority in North Schleswig. This tradition was revived in 2016 by Deutscher Jugendverband für Nordschleswig and Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger. A lot has happened in North Schleswig since then. At club level, junior and senior teams take part in various DFBL leagues as Team Nordschleswig. As the Danish national team, men, women and juniors take part in World and European Championships as Team Denmark Faustball. A recipe for success for this rousing development is the work with young people, which is promoted in cooperation with German schools and sports clubs in North Schleswig. For example, Danish youth championships are now being held at club and school level. The aim is to further intensify the sport of fistball in North Schleswig and also to promote it in the rest of Denmark.
Team Nordschleswig | Team Denmark Faustball online: